AwesomeAtti moderaator

I am a volunteer moderator and I have been a member of for over 10 years.  I love chess and the community and do my best to help keep the community safe and fun for others.

I am flattered by your friend requests.  I love all our users.  As moderator I try not to play favourites to avoid potential bias.  It's nothing personal, but I may not accept all friend requests.

I know you may have questions for me if I moderated one of your posts.  I provide a public comment or explanation for any actions I may take.  I do my best to respond but may not be able to respond privately to everyone.  Please visit for any questions or to contact support.

Everyone has a role in online safety and fun at  If you see or experience hate speech or discrimination, please use the report button on the comment, message, or the abusing user's profile and moderators will help as quickly as they can.