
I enjoyed playing Chess very much. I'm an amateur working and studying to improve. I meet lots of wonderful people playing this game. Chess make me whole and humble.


From The End to The Beginning

  1. Read Reasasses your Chess up to page 52 then read the Amateur's Mind book then finish the Reassess Your chess.
  2. Read Best Lessons of A chess Coach
  3. My System 


Once these book are read and understand then I will start on endgames study


  1. Read Fundamental Chess ending up to page 57 that cover Pawns Ending at the same time I'll be reading (1.Pawn Power in Chess and then 2nd Undertanding Pawn Play in Chess.) Continue reading FCE and start on Silman's Endgame Course.


Then I will read The Middlegame book 1 & 2 by Euwe and Kramer and Modern Chess Strategy by Pachman


Then back to working on pawns

Read Pawn Struture Chess by Soltis then The Ideas behind the Chess Opening by Fine.

Also, John Watson's Mastering the Chess Opening Vol: 1-3

One a everyday basic I will be solving tactical puzzles form The the Complete Chess Workout By Palliser, Combinative Motfifs by M. Blokh, Practical Chess Exercices by Ray Cheng, and Sharpen your Tactic by GM Lein and Boris Archangelsky. That goes well with this training because it doesn't give you a hint what to look for.


Also, I will go over two GM games daily from these books

  • Understanding Chess move by move by John Nunn
  • Grandmaster Chess Move by Move John Nunn
  • Capablanca's Best Chess Ending by Irving Chernev
  • Learn From Garry Kasparov's Greatest games by Eric Schiller
  • Garry Kasparov's Greatest Chess Games Vol 1 By Igol Stohl
  • Bobby Fisher My 60 Memorable Games
  • My Best Games of Chess 1908-1937  Alexander Alekhine
  • Fischer World Champion by Max Euwe & Jan Timman


Very useful advice:

Winning Chess Endings by Yasser Seirawan (International Grand Master), page viii

 “Studying the endgame will teach you how to land those “won” positions and to avoid the bad ones.  Although some middlegames or openings end in a decisive checkmate or perpetual check, most games come down to an ending in which the game is well balanced and ends in a draw, or one in which the stronger side tries to force the advantage and gain victory.  You will have a decided advantage if you have a good grasp on ending strategies.

Furthermore, your skills in all facets of the game will improve.  By learning in advance all those positions that won or drawn, you’ll be better to steer your way through the middlegame.  The more experience you have in the ending, the better your own middlegame play becomes.  Then, as you get better in the middlegame, you learn to choose openings that suit your middlegame tastes.  In short, improving your endgame improves your whole game.” 


A World Champion’s Guide to Chess by Susan Polgar (Grandmaster)

“I highly recommend that beginners and intermediate players work mostly with tactics and endgames and solve tactical exercises every day.  Tactics and endgames are the foundations of chess.  Opening study is important only at much higher levels such as expert, master, and beyond.  It is enough for beginner and intermediate players to understand only the basic principles of chess openings. . . .

My father used to say: ‘Prepetition makes a master.  Repetition makes you a better chess player.’  And he was right.  Solving thousands of puzzles really helped me become the play that I am today.  The point is not to memorize the actual positions but to remember the ideas, to recognize the patterns.  Chess is largely a matter of pattern recognition.  The more patterns you know, the better player you will be.  It is said that an average grandmaster has a mental library of about 20,000 patterns, which includes tactical, strategic, and endgame patterns.  The main aim of this book it help you build your own library of ideas.”



My best games as White