Najděte šachový klub

Diagonally Challenged Gentlemen's Club
For discerning ladies and gentlemen who enjoy the company of like-minded chess enthusiasts. Lots of chess, some chat, no pressure. Join a winning t...
Kamryn's Chess Club
Welcome! Join to participate in events streamed on! Join the Discord for notifications of upcoming events and to con...
Hidden Retreat
Hi.  My club, Hidden Retreat, is somewhat unique.  Yes we offer Chess Puzzles, Club Matches, various Arenas and our Coordinators like to ...
The Intelligent Chess Club
                    Greetings. Because you're receiving this invite,...
Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez
 Bem-vindo ao clube oficial da Confederação Brasileira de Xadrez!    Nossa missão é capacitar as pessoas, enriquecer vidas e melhorar as comunid...
3 247
Lunar Nights
                   Lunar NightsAre you looking to level up your chess game and connect with chess...
Slovenska liga
Vsetky informacie o Slovenskej lige. / All information about the Slovak League.
Hi! I'm Agne from Lithuania 🇱🇹 I used to play chess professionally from childhood until I started studying in uni, then I put a pause to playing fo...
We organise tournaments...
Uruguay Open
Liga de jugadores uruguayos auspiciada por la Federación Uruguaya de Ajedrez. 1) Todos los jugadores de Uruguay Open que representen a Uruguay tie...
2 546
Game set checkmate
🌟Do you like chess? ♟️ 💥And besides chess and tennis? 🎾 👉 Do you like to play chess and follow news from the world of tennis 🌍 ? Then this ...
CHT Sports Club
This club is for anyone who is interested in talking about sports, whether it be watching them or playing them. 
Launch Louisville Chess Club
Our mission is to grow chess and provide consistent experiences in Louisville and Southern Indiana. We welcome all chess players in our region and ...
Team Sweden
Välkommen till Team Sweden! Spela mot och med andra svenska spelare. Vi deltar i World League och European League och andra turneringar p&arin...
8 139 Nerds
This is Learner's Area 2.0. There will still be-Daily Puzzles-Private Lessons-Weekly TournamentsBut without the trolling! If you want to be a troll...
Total 960
Greetings, We’d like to introduce you to Total 960 -- an established Club that only plays Chess960 - aka Fischer Random Chess. We play Dail...
لطفا موارد زیر را جهت پذیرش درخواست های عضویت در تیم اول و بزرگ ایران در نظر بگیرید درج نام و نام خانوادگی  در این صفحه پرچم ایران در تمام مدت عض...
6 284
각종 이벤트 클럽
각종 재밌는 이벤트를 주로 하는 클럽입니다. 이 클럽에서는 모든 분들께 담당자 권한을 드리며, 활동을 많이 하시면 관리자 권한을 드립니다.
Enjoying a Wonderfultime
Join GM Minh Le for some viewers arena and having fun! 
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Anime_Manga lovers club
Welcome to Anime Lovers Club. If you like anime, join us!
Team Hong Kong
For chessplayers in Hong Kong or who feel a connection with Hong Kong. It represents Hong Kong in the World and Asian Leagues. Members n...
3 475
Team Nigeria
Team Nigeria strives to be a happy and welcoming place. We promote a supportive and rewarding chess environment, as well as a chance to make friend...
6 551
Master Brain Chess Club 1
Chess Training 
Jejda! Tento klub byl zrušen.