
Exploiting Opening Errors 2

Exploiting Opening Errors 2

Learn to refute your opponent’s suspicious opening play!

This course is aimed at stronger players than the introductory opening errors course. Build upon the foundation that was created in the previous lesson and learn essential opening traps and how to punish poor opening play!

Here is what you will learn:

  • Learn key tactics to score quick wins!
  • Learn positional ideas to get an easy game.
  • Improve your ability to handle opening surprises!

"So far my favorite lessons are these ones!" - Chess.com member overfractured

Broken Tension

White has just played 9. d5?! when Bf1 is almost universally played. Can black benefit from white releasing the tension?
2 reptes

Draw so soon?

Black has just played Nbd7 in a position where a5 was always considered the main move.
1 repte

Safety First

In a normal looking Slav Defense, black has played Bf5 when many other moves have been preferred. How should White react?
2 reptes

Light Squares

In a position where Black has played many moves before: a6, e6, g6, Nc6-- This time Black has played the move e5?!.
2 reptes


In a normal-looking Rubinstein French structure, something is amiss...
2 reptes

Catalan, or not?

In this normal double fianchetto position, White has offered the c4 pawn Catalan-style. How should Black react?
2 reptes

Safety Not First

In this position, White has immediately advanced f5. Has White adequately prepared this aggressive thrust?
3 reptes

Typical, or not?

b5 is a very normal plan in the Najdorf, but it is almost never played this early.
2 reptes

Strange Grunfeld

White has played a seemingly ridiculous move against the Grunfeld, but refuting it is not so easy to do...
1 repte

Move Order Woes

In a typical Rauzer, White has played f4?! before castling queenside, which is not typical.
2 reptes

Move Order Woes 2

The attack on the g7-pawn is the most testing line White can play against the Winawer French, but here White has played moves out of order. What should black do about it?
1 repte

Unprepared Recapture

In what was a normal Slav, White neglected to play a4.
2 reptes

Unprepared Recapture 2

In a very similar way to the previous example, White neglected to play a4. Now what?
2 reptes

London Goes Down

In a normal Reti opening, Black has played Bf5?! instead of the more normal Be6. How should White respond?
4 reptes

London Goes Down 2

The London system enjoys a reputation as being a very solid opening, even if not the most ambitious. Here we will see how to kill it!
3 reptes

Lack of Development 2

In a normal looking Qc2 Nimzo, White has played c5?!, which gains space but neglects development. How should Black react?
2 reptes

Wrong Knight

In what was a normal looking Benko, Black has chosen to put the wrong knight on d7.
1 repte

Good Pieces and Bad Pieces

In a standard Benoni, White has played e4 much earlier than normal.
1 repte

Grabby Guy

Black is very hungry for pawns.
2 reptes

Hidden Resources

White has played a very natural move in Be2, but this was a serious inaccuracy..
1 repte

Exploiting Opening Errors 2

20 lliçons
Cap vídeo
38 reptes
Data de publicació 7/28/2011