
                                                                                   - @TheBlazeWingDragon 🐼💙.    

If I must live, face challenges, and ultimately die alone, then I am the one constant, the only person who will always be there for me.
In a world where people come and go, I am the one I can count on. I must be strong, powerful, independent, and free by every means. No one is coming to save me, and that is perfectly fine. As Charlotte Brontë once said,
“I am no bird; and no net ensnares me: I am a free human being with an independent will.”

I am my own best friend, the one who stays when no one else does. Why should I expect others to love me if I don’t love myself first?
"If you can’t love yourself, how in the hell are you gonna love somebody else?"
I don’t need someone to stand for me or fight my battles—because I am enough. I believe in my strength, my resilience, and my worth.

Nothing is permanent in this world—not your parents, not your siblings, not your friends. But I am not alone because I am always with myself. I don’t need anyone to come, talk, or offer love. Epictetus put it perfectly:
“No man is free who is not master of himself.”
I am my own master. Others may only be here for a season, but I remain.

In the end, I don’t need someone’s validation or love to feel complete. I love myself because I am with me every second of my life.
My heart beats for me, I breathe for me, not for anyone else.
I am my favorite person, and this is not arrogance—it’s self-discovery. I have learned to appreciate, trust, and be fond of who I am.

I aim to be the best version of myself, capable of making my own decisions, fighting my own battles, and standing tall without needing anyone to lean on.
This is not just survival; this is empowerment.
I am not obsessed with myself; I have simply learned that I am enough !

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