
Hi my name is Travis and I’m a 15 year old who likes chess. I also like to read and play cod and shocker I touch grass- mainly run on it actually I do cross country and track. Right now I’m trying to break a 5:30 mile and a 20:00 min 5k. I’m a pretty chill guy who likes a good laugh, also for some reason all the cool people on here have anime profiles( what’s up with that?) Anyways, I live in the state of Virginia, in the US. I'm an experienced chess player, admin of clubs, and overall bringer of fun. I serve four queens , JessicaSlidale of the Hydrangea club,  Lilyana of Lily's Novel Ideas, Sol of the International Solchess Association and Lynette.

Lily's Novel Ideas
Lily's Novel Ideas ৮৬২ জন সদস্য
Hydrangea ২,৪৮৮ জন সদস্য
International Solchess Association
International Solchess Association ২৭৪ জন সদস্য
ℂ𝕣𝔸𝕫𝕐 𝕙𝕌𝕞𝔸ℕ ১২০ জন সদস্য