Checking out two chess clubs in Perth
Perth City Farms - Crobs' Coffee and Chess

Checking out two chess clubs in Perth

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The last vacation I took was 4 years ago and this time round, we decided to visit Perth, especially to check out how the Swan River waterfront area has been revamped. We were very impressed...and from our hotel windows...we really can't complain about the view....

The first chess club we went to - South Perth Chess (Thu 1-3pm) is located in the South Perth Library. There were 3 players present (not counting me) and they basically played on a table wide enough for 2 sets (with 2 comfy plush couches)
The next chess club we checked out is Crobs' Coffee and Chess at Perth City Farms, Claisebrook (Sat 9am to 12pm). There were 4 players present but this kid gave me a very good workout.

My extra (doubled) pawn was counterbalanced by his strong passed h-pawn in the ending and he almost equalised but miscalculated the pawn ending. Lucky me...

During the post mortem, upon querying, my opponent Lennon Kerr revealed that he has an ACF rating of 1800+ and is the current Western Australia u10 champ. He also mentioned his brother Carter (WA U8 champ) has the highest FIDE rating in the world for his age group. Impressive kids, these two.
Their dad also mentioned that Metropolitan Chess Club (Thu 7.15pm) has many ongoing activities and a good mix of players. Too bad the timing doesn't fit our schedule. I was also told that Kingsley Chess Club ( 4 Chichester Dr, Woodvale), with anchor volunteer FM Patrick Gong, is another interesting club too.
No tournaments for me in Oz this time but nice to check out these two clubs.