Block it like Bobby Fischer! (updated 30/12/2020)

Block it like Bobby Fischer! (updated 30/12/2020)

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A blocking combination (sacrifice) is one where you combine (or sacrifice a piece/pawn) to jam up the opponent's ability to defend, block a diagonal, line or square or  prevent pieces from scurrying back to aid the king's defence. A simple example of such a blocking combination leading to a winning kingside attack is the following, which I have used probably hundreds of times (in analogous positions) in online blitz and even an OTB game vs an FM.

The most famous of blocking combinations in chess history is probably Fischer's 19 Rf6!! vs Benko in 1963. You can find details on NM Olimpiu G. Urcan's twitter.

Once in a blue moon.. for the chess amateur patzer,.after multiple games of misplaying and mistaken belief in one's ability, there will come a time when everything clicks and falls into place and the sacrifices all work for a cool finish. The following sustained blocking combination is one such....

So after thousands of blitz and bullet blunders, one might execute a Fischer or Tal type combination inatead of playing like a fish or Tay.

Postscript: It's quite nice to end 2020 with another Fischer blocking combination this morning (30th December 2020) when I was allowed to finish the attack with 23 Rf6, which although much more direct than Fischer's, it is no less pleasing, since it terminates the game immediately against a GM.

So goodbye to 2020 and a Happy New Year!