I Accidentally Played The Most Epic Bullet Game Ever
"I know Kung Fu."

I Accidentally Played The Most Epic Bullet Game Ever

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I accidentally played the most epic bullet game of all times.

How? Let me tell the story from its very beginning...

This is a story about a girl named Lucky

It was just a normal Wednesday afternoon when I was silently sipping a cup of hot chocolate, wondering why baby ducks were so frigging cute, I received a message from asking me to be a last minute replacement for the Poggers section of Winner Stays. As everyone's favorite replacement option, the savior of last minute events and "almost" Missouri State Champion, I immediately said yes to the dress... I mean... the offer.

My opponent was none other than Gigguk, the two-time champion of Tournament Arc and the event was hosted by GM Aman Hambleton of ChessBrah and GM Daniel "The Prophet" Naroditsky.

Before reaching the bullet section Gigguk and I played 45 minutes of 5+0 Blitz, where I got flagged in favorable positions and got horribly checkmated in the corner. Before switching to 3+0, I summoned the power of Madonna and ABBA and got possessed by them. I was unaware that I would be writing history in my least favorite time control: 1+0 Bullet.

Everything started as me premoving in the opening and losing a poor Bishy, who cried like a puppy left out in the rain. After we offered each other several free stuff, we decided to trade off everything and entered to a famous light squared bishop + pawns versus pawns + my hopes and dreams endgame. After I pushed all my pawns until I cannot push no more, my hopes and dreams got in a pretty severe Zugzwang situation. As a person who witnessed Christina Aguilera's transition from Genie In A Bottle to Dirty, I knew my only choice was to resort to dirty business: a series of unintentional blunders, questionable premoves and exploiting the fact that my opponent had no time.

I cannot quite describe what just happened but I think you trust GM Aman Hambleton of ChessBrah and GM Daniel "The Prophet" Naroditsky more than you trust me:

"That was the most epic bullet game, I have ever witnessed"

THAT game for chess connoisseurs:

The most epic bullet game ever.

Everytime I play bullet, when you don't like my videos and, sometimes, when you don't join Nayciria. Especially YOU.

If want to see more chess content that you cannot possibly unsee, head to my YouTube channel and make sure to like this video, it really encourages me to put more video content on YouTube! 💜

You can find me on Twitch, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram


Join Naycir of the house Naycirian, the First of her name, Queen of Fluffy Paws and Happy Tails, Mother of Komodo dragons, renowned Komodo trainer and Chess Woman Tiny Master, the humble chess streamer.

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