Checkmate With 10 Bishops (Still Theory!)
Checkamatica with 10 bishies

Checkmate With 10 Bishops (Still Theory!)

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My boy Dvoretsky was really upset when I leaked the theory regarding the mysterious world of 10 Horse Checkmate and broke the world record. Since then, I have been receiving many requests during my live streams, under my YouTube videos, my Twitter,  even in the comment section of my blog.

Not many mortals attempted and succeeded in the mission of achieving a 10 bishop checkmate. I, as a person, who explores the extremes in chess, bending the rules of the game and having a good time with multiple underpromotions, I wanted to experiment how it feels like to deliver checkmate with 10 bishops. And it was frigging awesome!

Before I jump in, I would like to do my duty as a "fringe" chess scientist and share the theory behind this rare checkmate pattern.
Rule 1: Do not exchange any pawns

Rule 2: Do not exchange your bishops
Rule 3: Grab all the hanging stuff then give all your pieces, except your bishops (and, duh! , pawns)

Rule 4: Underpromote your remaining 8 pawns to bishops

Rule 5: DO NOT Checkmate before you complete the underpromotions. Accidental checkmates in this endgame are more common than you think they are.
Rule 6: DO NOT Stalemate.

Here's how I achieved it:

If want to see more chess content that you cannot possibly unsee, head to my YouTube channel and make sure to like this video, it really encourages me to put more video content on YouTube! 💜

Challenge Naycir's evil twin, she is equally blundersome!

You can find me on Twitch, Twitter, YouTube, TikTok and Instagram


Join Naycir of the house Naycirian, the First of her name, Queen of Fluffy Paws and Happy Tails, Mother of Komodo dragons, renowned Komodo trainer and Chess Woman Tiny Master, the humble chess streamer.

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