Andrew Ng's Blog

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Learning Board Awareness

Learning Board Awareness

NM Matetricks
| Nov 5, 2014

I've been working on another course with IM Daniel Tapia, and we're happy to be able to release it today. Daniel did an amazing job creating the videos and the content for the course. The Board Awareness course covers how to avoid blundering and h...

Basic Attacking Strategy

Basic Attacking Strategy

NM Matetricks
| Nov 2, 2014

An important part of chess is the stage of the attack. This doesn't occur in every single game, but it's useful to know when to attack and how to successfully carry out an onslaught against the enemy king.   There are a few positional cues that ...

Introduction to Chess Tactics - Part 2

Introduction to Chess Tactics - Part 2

NM Matetricks
| Oct 27, 2014

In my last blog post I introduced what tactics were and their importance in chess. The video covered pins, forks, and skewers.   There are a few more common types of tactics, and I've gone over them in another video. Here I cover discoveries, re...

Checkmating the Lone King

Checkmating the Lone King

NM Matetricks
| Oct 21, 2014

Understanding basic mating techniques is critical to winning games early on in one's chess career. A material advantage that carries on into the endgame will require the chess player to have a good understanding of mating with King and Queen or Ki...

Introduction to Chess Tactics

Introduction to Chess Tactics

NM Matetricks
| Oct 16, 2014

A chess tactic is a sequence of moves that leads to some sort of tangible gain. This could be delivering checkmate, winning material, or obtaining some other sort of advantage.   For most players, practicing tactics is what helps take their game...

Learn How to Attack

Learn How to Attack

NM Matetricks
| Sep 29, 2014

I've been working on creating a course on Attack for the past month or so, and I finally released it today. If you want to learn how to attack the uncastled or castled king in addition to learning more about common mating patterns, you'll probabl...

Learn The Sicilian Dragon!

Learn The Sicilian Dragon!

NM Matetricks
| Jul 28, 2014

A new Chesscademy course was released today that serves as an introduction to the Sicilian Dragon. This course is quite special to me because I started playing the Dragon at the tender age of 8 and continue to play it to this day. The opening comp...

Improving One's Capacity To Improve - Part 4

Improving One's Capacity To Improve - Part 4

NM Matetricks
| Aug 9, 2013

In the final installment of the series, I want to focus on the value of coaching and the importance of reviewing one's tournament games. I have covered a variety of studying habits up to this point such as analyzing annotated Grandmaster games and...

Improving One's Capacity To Improve - Part 3

Improving One's Capacity To Improve - Part 3

NM Matetricks
| Jul 23, 2013

In the previous post I covered the importance of studying annotated grandmaster games. However, you can't readily test your abilities and notice a positive trend in your play without putting your newfound knowledge to the test. I recommend playing...

Improving One's Capacity To Improve - Part 2

Improving One's Capacity To Improve - Part 2

NM Matetricks
| Jul 9, 2013

The second topic I wanted to cover in this series is the importance of self-study. Of course, this term by itself is quite broad - what exactly is "studying" chess? Some may try to play as many games as possible, while others may choose to build a...

Improving One's Capacity To Improve - Part 1

Improving One's Capacity To Improve - Part 1

NM Matetricks
| Jul 1, 2013

How do I get better at chess?   This is the question that every chess player asks himself or herself at one point or another. In fact, as a coach, I hear this from my students multiple times a day. Everybody wants to improve - however, most play...

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