The 10-Step Process to Create the Best Plan

The 10-Step Process to Create the Best Plan

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In chess, it's really important to make a good plan. Every player has to figure this out during the game. You usually think about your plan right after the game starts, and a few more times later on.

There's a saying that it's better to have a bad plan than no plan at all. Also, you can't pick the right move if you don't know what you're going to do next. So, you might wonder: Where do I start?

How do I find the best plan and move? Is there a rule that always works?

Well, yes! Masters have a way of thinking that helps them. This guide will teach you how to find
simple patterns, step by step. The process contains 3 segments: evaluation (4 steps), planning (2 steps) and calculation (4 steps).

Visit: and get for FREE the definitive guide to create the best plan!

Today, I launched a new series on YouTube where I will be discussing the most important aspect of chess strategy - the process of creating a plan. The first episode is now available. In the video, I explain this topic in 10 steps.