How to avoid blunders! 2-Step quick technique | Free Course

How to avoid blunders! 2-Step quick technique | Free Course

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Are blunders sabotaging your chess victories? If so, you're not alone. Many players struggle with costly mistakes that can turn a winning position into defeat in an instant. But fear not – there's a solution within your reach. Let's explore the transformative power of the 2-step technique and how it can revolutionize your approach to the game.

Step 1: Uncovering the "Why"
Ever wondered why your opponent made that unexpected move? Understanding the reasoning behind their actions is the first key to success. By delving into the motivations behind each move, you'll gain valuable insights into your opponent's strategy, allowing you to anticipate their next moves and respond accordingly. It's like peering into the mind of your adversary and staying one step ahead at all times.

Step 2: Visualize and Conquer
Before making your move, take a moment to visualize the board's new position. Picture the consequences of your move and anticipate potential threats from your opponent. Are there any weaknesses you're exposing? Any opportunities for counterattacks? By visualizing the board state after your move, you'll be better equipped to make strategic decisions with confidence.

Next Steps: Elevate Your Game

Ready to take your chess skills to the next level? My free course, "How to avoid blunders," offers a comprehensive guide to implementing this powerful strategy in your games. From theory to practice, I've got you covered with practical examples, insightful commentary, and actionable tips to enhance your gameplay.

Join the Free Course

Visit to enroll in my free course and embark on your journey towards chess mastery today. Don't let avoidable blunders hold you back any longer – seize this opportunity to level up your game and boost your rating rapidly!


In conclusion, mastering blunder avoidance is within your grasp. By implementing the 2-step technique and enrolling in my free course, you'll equip yourself with the tools and strategies needed to outsmart your opponents and achieve success on the chessboard. Take the first step towards greatness – join us today and unlock your full potential as a chess player.

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more chess insights!

Pawel "IM Chessbrain"