Turn Your Phone Into An On-Demand, Offline-Ready Chess Gym In 4 Steps With The Chessable App

Turn Your Phone Into An On-Demand, Offline-Ready Chess Gym In 4 Steps With The Chessable App

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Fun fact: people are glued on their smartphones almost 4 hours every single day.

How you want to spend those hours is entirely up to you.

But if you’d love to take 30 to 45 minutes to sharpen your game and become the best player you can be…

Then Chessable PRO and our mobile app can help you do just that.

If you haven’t downloaded the app yet, you can do so here:

Then follow the 4 steps below to turn your smartphone to an on-demand, offline-ready chess gym.

1. Download the course you want to study for offline training:

Chessable PRO allows you to download any course you own through the app. So you can drill your openings and tactics, even without an internet connection.

Say I want to focus on my white opening repertoire. 

I go to the dashboard. Scroll to the course I want to download. In this case, The GothamChess 1.e4 Repertoire. Click on the three dots (...), then click “Download course.”

The completed download is marked with a green check. But note that this step only downloads the MoveTrainer® variations.

For the videos, you’re given complete control over which chapters to make available offline. So you can save what you need while conserving your phone’s storage.

Simply click on the course. Navigate to the appropriate chapter. Then click “Download Video,” just below the videosync player.

One more organizational tip before we move onto step two:

You can also create folders on your dashboard for easier access. 

Let’s say you have 15 courses on your dashboard. You only train 2 of them daily, and watch the rest whenever you feel like it.

Instead of wading through a huge library, you can put the 2 courses into a folder named “Daily.” So you can always find them at the top of your dashboard.

Click on “Folder” near the top of the dashboard. Click on the + sign at the top right corner. Name your folder. And press done.

To add a course to the folder, click on the three dots (...). Click “Add to Folder.” Then choose the destination folder, and press the blue button below.

2. Set the learning mode to Priority Lines:

Priority Lines ensures the variations you’re studying are the ones you’ll actually play!

It narrows down your workload to only the most frequent variations found in real games. So even with limited study time, you’ll know how to avert danger, and play to your advantages in the majority of positions.

In the dashboard, click the course you want to train. Then click on the gear icon to access the settings.

Under “Learn,” select “Priority Only.” Then under “Priority Type,” choose between “Author Selection” and “Algorithm Selection.” Then click “Apply.

The “Author Selection” includes lines the author deems most relevant for mastery. Lines which capture the core tactical and strategic ideas of the opening… while “Algorithm Selection” is based on the most popular lines on our reference database.

Either way, you’re streamlining future study sessions. So that they give you a knowledge advantage in real games…

And in the next step, we’ll show you how to do the same for your tactics!

3. Get personalized tactics exercises through Puzzle Connect:

Puzzle Connect drills you on the type of puzzles most likely to translate in rating gains — namely, the tactics you missed in real games.

This step requires accessing your Chessable dashboard through a web browser. But once you set it, you can forget it… and enjoy personalized tactics training in the app.

In the dashboard, click “Tools,” then “Puzzle Connect.” Enter your and/or username in the next page… then grab a cup of your favorite drink.

In the background, Puzzle Connect will fetch games from your account. Analyze them for tactical mistakes. Turn those mistakes into exercises, which are then added to a self-updating course. 

Rinse and repeat, as long as you play games on the accounts you connected.

(And yes, you can download your Puzzle Connect course for offline training! 👍)

4. Drill Away!

Now that your personalized opening and tactics training courses are set up — you can now improve your chess wherever you go, even without an internet connection.

Sneak in 15 minutes of training on your commute.

Another 10 to 15 minutes before or after taking your lunch.

Then 15 more minutes of chess before the day ends.

And every time you login, you’re picking up where you left off to ensure there are no gaps in your training… while MoveTrainer® schedules your drills for maximum retention.

So rest assured your limited study time is making a positive impact on your game.

Wrapping Up:

Set up your Chessable mobile app following the steps above. 

See for yourself how much easier and more consistent improving your chess becomes… when every minute you spend counts, thanks to personalized, on-the-go training.

Of course, other PRO and mobile app features can help deepen your memory and understanding of the material you’re studying… 

Like overstudying Difficult Moves, using private comments to “inoculate oneself from chess mistakes,” and stepping up the intensity with Random Reviews.

We’ll save that for another post.

So stay tuned on the Chessable blog!