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Chess Celebrities vs. Celebrity Bots

Chess Celebrities vs. Celebrity Bots

CM AdviceCabinet
| Apr 29, 2021

Welcome to the final instalment of the three-part series on bots. Previously, I’ve written about both the bots and adaptive bots. Now, I will discuss the final topic in this series – Chess Celebrities vs Celebrity B...

Are Adaptive Bots Truly Adaptive?

Are Adaptive Bots Truly Adaptive?

CM AdviceCabinet
| Jan 23, 2021

About three weeks ago, I published a piece entitled “Are Bots’ Ratings Accurate?” where I discussed the strengths and playing styles of the standard bots. As promised, this is the second of the three-part series. Here, ...

Are Bots' Ratings Accurate?

Are Bots' Ratings Accurate?

CM AdviceCabinet
| Jan 1, 2021

In the second half of 2020, has introduced close to a hundred bots to their new version of “Vs Computer”. This army of droids has generated much buzz within the chess community. Some of the most frequently asked questions in ...

Winning Queen Endings with Tactical Tricks

Winning Queen Endings with Tactical Tricks

CM AdviceCabinet
| Sep 19, 2020

Queen endings are notoriously difficult to calculate. For one, there are often so many variations of long series of checks to work through. Even very careful players can find themselves getting skewered, mated, or forced into an unfavourable trade...

Winning Endgames with Opposite Coloured Bishops

Winning Endgames with Opposite Coloured Bishops

CM AdviceCabinet
| Sep 4, 2020

Opposite coloured bishop endings are known for their high drawing tendencies. In an article that I wrote several months ago entitled Opposite Coloured Bishops: Playing Against Connected Pawns, I addressed some important theoretical positions....

Understanding Minor Piece Imbalances: The Bishop

Understanding Minor Piece Imbalances: The Bishop

CM AdviceCabinet
| Aug 2, 2020

Bishops and knights have very similar nominal values but the way they move is completely different. A bishop is able to snipe his enemies from a distance but can only have access to half of the board by himself. Knights, on the other hand, have ac...

How Lucky Are You?

How Lucky Are You?

CM AdviceCabinet
| Jul 19, 2020

To many people, it seems that good chess players are always lucky and are able to make a comeback from terrible positions. Of course, the truth is that they can find the correct resources and set up traps to ensnare their opponents. As Sam Shankla...

How to be Your Opponent's Worst Knightmare

How to be Your Opponent's Worst Knightmare

CM AdviceCabinet
| Jul 10, 2020

Knights are one of the trickiest pieces on the chessboard. The way they move and where they can end up in 2 to 3 moves is not intuitive to the human mind at all. In this article, I hope to provide some clarity as to how knight endings should be ap...

Sensing Stalemate From a Mile

Sensing Stalemate From a Mile

CM AdviceCabinet
| Jul 5, 2020

When most chess players hear that stalemate has occurred on the board, they will most likely think that one side played the ending carelessly. However, as we will see in this article, stalemate is a key defensive resource that can be deployed even...

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