Намерете Шахматен Клуб

The Ideas Room
We are actively seeking new members! Individuals from all walks of life are here. We discuss, argue, and debate current events. Our forums are ...
1 178
North America United
This group is a geographical entity encompassing North America, from Greenland and Canada to the north, to Panama and the Caribbean to the south. W...
3 749
Chess bénéfice
Hello dear friend,  I invite you to join in my club♕ Let's play in interesting competitions & enjoy chess games 😇🌺
1 081
Team Kazakhstan
    Вступить в команду(Форма регистрации) Team Kazakhstan командасына қош келдіңіз!  Біз блиц, рапид және бірнеше күнді...
1 226
Jeanius IQ Chess Club
Welcome to the Jeanius Chess Club! Jeanne streams live at https://www.twitch.tv/jeannemarieandrea!  
The Delmarva Chess Club
Welcome to The Delmarva Chess Club! We usually have weekly Online Club Matches on Tuesday evenings. Pre-registration starts at 6 pm, and matches be...
Talvsamband Føroya
Fyri at sleppa í bólkin, so skal mann síggja, hvør eigur brúkaran. T.v.s. at navn skal verða upplýst ...
Team Brazil
O Team Brazil é o time oficial brasileiro nos campeonatos de Daily Matches (xadrez diário) da World League - WL e da Pan-American League - PAL na p...
2 122
Team Buenos Aires
https://www.chess.com/club/matches/team-buenos-aires/1503707Team Buenos Aires, es un equipo para ajedrecistas que viven en la Provincia o en la Ciu...
  Shun even to appear harsh in your treatment of each other. Joy, radiant joy, streams from the face of him who gives and kindles joy in th...
The Geniuses Of Chess
Hello! Sorry for taking your time and Thanks for giving your time. I want to introduce you this club. Hi, This is The Geniuses of Chess {TGOC...
Open to All Filipino Live chess players. Live Chess Team Tournaments for Country's National Team  being conducted by IPL+ National TEAMS MCM, ...
2 385
just for fun activity
X Nation
This club is for whoever wants to join and have people to talk to. I don't mind advertising your clubs here and I only wish for people to have a go...
Team Syria
Team Syria: The official representative of the World League Championship and The Arab League Championship.  Are you interested in learning h...
6 118
Hello, We would like to extend an invitation for you to join our club.   We are the number 1 club that award many 1 month Gold members...
6 143
Hi Friends, Welcome to Chess Hacks! I'm Dhananjay  , India. This channel is designed to provide training on various aspects of chess like openings,...
4 153
The Strategic Masters
Welcome to the Strategic Masters!! We are a community of chess enthusiasts dedicated to mastering the art of strategy and critical thinking. Our ...
Piper Chess Club
It's a club for everyone. Together we share our learnings and play chess with eachother in exciting weekly tournaments: Rapid, blitz and Bullet. Fe...
Club de ajedrez para chicos de COBAEM 
ChessKid.com Official Club
The place for official site news, updates, and special ChessKid offers. Stay tuned for more!   What is ChessKid? | Register an account | Testimo...
7 540
Team Iowa
Folks with roots sunk into the Heartland of America. The homebase of honesty, morals, and scrupples. We are America and what it stands for. Work ha...
This club is a friendly space where everyone can be friends and stuff.
Egyptian Chess Masters
This is the group representing Egyptian Chess Masters . We are new team that will be future #1 team. We are proud of being our Nationality !!!
7 069
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