Намерете Шахматен Клуб

Le groupe qui réunit les joueurs de la communauté ChessBar, le premier championnat amateur dans les bars de France ! TOURNOI DE BLI...
Blue Guardian Chess Club
Welcome, Blue Guardian Chess Club exclusively for the Blue Guardian Community.    
Clube criado para os torneios do Sub-08 ao Sub-12 do Circuito Online FEXPAR.
May the chess be with you
May the chess be with you es un club de habla española que destaca por ser muy activo. Ya somos el club 40 en el ranking de ajedre...
1 098
Cat and Fox Fans
Hello! Here's a list why you should join! We play chess, have daily matches, tournaments, and a variety of very good players. We have a ...
Team Malaysia
Team Malaysia is now actively participating in the World League Team Matches. The prerogative to join Team Malaysia is to fly Malaysian flag (Jalur...
7 713
Average Kids Community
A club for average kids   (FEEL FREE TO SPAAAM) Enjoy and make it a good club Kids chess club but 10x better  
Chess in the Park
Join us for online games (5I5 Arena) every Thursday at 8 p.m. here. We also play OTB chess in various parks throughout Toronto. Find our facebook g...
1 138
Team Australia-Adelaide SA
This club represents Adelaide in the State of South Australia. We represent the Capital city of Adelaide in the Cities World Cup, Team Match Ch...
Team Ireland
This is the club representing Ireland in the Chess.com World League.  It is for those who would like to participate in match play for World League ...
Kats 2
pls join this club!!!!!!!!
ChessSL ChessSL is a premier chess content platform in Sri Lanka with the motto of "Empowering Chess in Sri Lanka, Nurturing Talent, Spreading Jo...
ENSA Chess Club
Welcome to the ENSAK Chess Club
Chess Heroes Club
2 286
Untitled Tuesday
Untitled Tuesday has moved! We are now in the Chess.com Community club.  To join, please see https://www.chess.com/club/chess-com-community  For ...
6 040
Il club dei Pagliacci
Si organizzano tornei a scopo goliardico e per divertirsi. L'obbiettivo è creare un ambiente ludico in cui divertirsi condividendo la propria passi...
Uni Chess Basel
Bei Uni Chess Basel erwarten euch gemeinsame online Spielabende, Seminare, Turniere und vieles mehr. Wir freuen uns auf euch!
Hello! In the past few months I’ve been in chess.com, I’ve noticed (not just in the fanwings) several people stop being active and/or...
Adriana Nikolova FANCLUB
Welcome to the group ♥ Adriana Nikolova ♥ FANCLUB. WGM Adriana Nikolova currently has a rating of 2308. She started playing chess when she was 4 ye...
1 519
World Peace Chess Club
"When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace." ~ Jimi Hendrix! We're a unique group with over 1.000 members from...
1 264
LFR - Ligue Francaise des Régions
La Ligue Française des Régions (LFR)  regroupe toutes les régions administratives de France pour jouer un championnat int...
Team Oregon
  We represent The State Of Oregon in the US State Championships. We need all Oregonians to stand proudly with her, defending her honor. ...
Our Chess Universe
Hi! Calling all chess enthusiasts! Here we play many games, have planet triveas and much more too!
Опа! Този клуб е бил деактивиран.