Намерете Шахматен Клуб

Animal Appreciation Club
Hey everyone!  Are you a chess enthusiast with a heart for animals? 🐎 Do you love the thrill of a well-executed checkmate, but also the joy ...
The Chess Stars is a club where people get to socialize and make friends. It is also a place where you can learn to be better at Chess and und...
Communist Party of Vietnam
Bạn có phải là người Việt Nam yêu Cộng Sản không? Nếu có ha6ỹ vào đây!
Ajedrez de las Españas
Equipo de ajedrez creado para todos los aficionados al ajedrez hispanoamericanos, filipinos y ecuatoguienanos, para fomentar la fraternidad entre l...
1 765
Team Brazil
O Team Brazil é o time oficial brasileiro nos campeonatos de Daily Matches (xadrez diário) da World League - WL e da Pan-American League - PAL na p...
2 156
The Bear Cubs
If you are a beginner and are looking for games with similarly rated players, please join The Bear Cubs, are an Under 1450 group ! We are cousins o...
9 794
Šachová škola Vávra a Černoušek podzim 2024
Do žádosti o přijetí do klubu nám prosím napište své pravé jméno, příjmení a ...
The Philosophers
This group is a group used for philosophical discussions, to help people further their interests in philosophy, and to connect people with similar ...
2 143
За све добронамерне шахисте. Придржавање правила цхесс.цом. Join SK Leštane, we are the team that is the vice champion in the arenas organized by ...
Our club needs active members of all chess abilities who want to help the club achieve good results.We participate in a lot of league matches and a...
2 142
Team Nigeria
Team Nigeria strives to be a happy and welcoming place. We promote a supportive and rewarding chess environment, as well as a chance to make friend...
6 591
Our Goal Is to Create a fun , safe and fair environment for all chess learners to enjoy the game
On Her Majesty's Secret  Service - HMSS
Have you ever dreamed of being like James Bond? A secret agent, under cover, on exciting missions around the world? Ever seen a spy movie and thoug...
Pontevedra C.F.
 Official channel of the Pontevedra Club de Fútbol on YouTube. We are a sports and competitive social group looking for new members of ...
Uruguay Open
Liga de jugadores uruguayos auspiciada por la Federación Uruguaya de Ajedrez. 1) Todos los jugadores de Uruguay Open que representen a Uruguay tie...
2 574
Startegic Scholars
Strategic Scholars, founded by Zapprel, is a vibrant chess club fostering strategic thinking and camaraderie.
CIE - Chess Club
This is a private chess club. Invite only.
JJ's Chess Patzer Palace
JJ's Chess Patzer Palace is on youtube and twitch.  We are going to start running a in house 24 hour Daily tournament bi-weekly or monthly.&nb...
Pawns Of Chess
         HELLO! This is a pawnchess fan-club. well, not really fan club but yea Join if you like pawns! Welcome to Pa...
City Chess Uz
City Chess is an international chess club from Uzbekistan. Instagram — https://instagram.com/citychess.uz YouTube — https://youtube.com/citychess...
2 003
pwani chess
pwani university chess club
Chess Cube
Grupo de ajedrez de personas que arman cubos No estamos relacionados con la antigua página del mismo nombre / We are not related with the old page...
1 811
Опа! Този клуб е бил деактивиран.