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For forty-five years Kaeesah has taken me on a spectacular chess odyssey. Through our brief but wonderful adventures, the goddess of my game has come to know my weaknesses -- only too well -- but never holds them against me!

She remembers that I am, after all, only human. Yet, she continues to beckon me onward with her alluring smile; and I willingly follow her. What an enchantress she is! 

She looks at me, wiggles her finger, and points to my chessboard.

Like a moth to the lights, I'm drawn to each and every one of her chess delights. I've grown old following her, but she remains ever young and effervescent.

Alas, for all my good intentions, I can't say that I know her, as well as she knows me! She does not give up her secrets easily and she can be so testing and challenging to me at times.

This is probably why I love her so much and why I am willing to follow her wherever she goes for however long it takes.

Till death do us part, Kaeesah, my love!

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