
Chances are, you randomly clicked on my profile for no reason. I know we have our similarities and differences, and you don’t have to stay here with me.

Your rating doesn’t resemble who you are. Don’t live off of it. All that matters is the people you meet, and the friends you make through the game.

I am a part of many clubs. Here are the ones I hold a rank on!


The Strategy Savants Chess Club

A Strategic Sablefish (More of a joke as opposed to a club)

Super admin:

Strategic Chess Club

Chess Astronauts Club





The Chess Maniacs Club

If I hold a rank in your club that isn’t on the list, let me know and I can update it. (I didn’t feel like going through the 50+ clubs I’m in.)

Friends! (If you think you should be on the list, let me know!)

@cattling + @chessable_cat

My brothers! Pretty self-explanatory. They are very funny but are rarely active. Send them a friend request!



Great person who loves to joke around. If he’s around, nothing is serious. Always reminds me that life isn’t that bad. In his words, he calls himself “the sexiest man alive”. 🤣



A good friend who always seems energetic and walks everywhere with a smile on their face! Very cheerful and extremely helpful!



A very calm person who seems to have no enemies. Loves to greet everyone, and overall an amazing person!



A hard-working person who owns a small club. Go help him grow it!



Always an active person who loves to be social. Also a great admin!



Always wants the best for everyone, and genuinely cares about every person he meets. Just a good friend!



An amazing and determined person and super admin. Always there to help me out with my club. Such a fun person to have around!


Try my buddymeter!


“Happiness is not something readymade. It comes from your own actions.” - Dalai Lama

“Don’t carry your mistakes around with you. Instead, place them under your feet and use them as stepping stones to rise above them.” - Anonymous

“There could be no definition of a successful life that does not include service to others.” - George H.W. Bush

“Passion first and everything will fall into place” - Holly Holm

“I'm selfish, impatient, and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I'm out of control, and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.” - Marilyn Monroe

SSCC HQ 13 карыстальнікаў
Chess Astronauts Club
Chess Astronauts Club 174 карыстальніка
Ch3ss_K1ngd0m 167 карыстальнікаў
The Strategy Savants Chess Club
The Strategy Savants Chess Club 182 карыстальніка
Hikaru Nakamura Fan Club
Hikaru Nakamura Fan Club 64 531 карыстальнік