
Oleg Pervakov's Studies

Oleg Pervakov's Studies

Ready for the studies of maybe the greatest composer alive?

Oleg Pervakov is maybe the greatest living chess study composer! He was born in Russia in 1960 and is the three-time world composition champion! Check out his best studies!

  • Find shocking checkmate tactics.
  • Defend seemingly hopeless positions.
  • Find amazing winning ideas!

Oleg Pervakov: Saving The Pawn Ending

Even an endgame with just three pawns can require precise calculation. Are you up to the challenge?
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Oleg Pervakov: Pins And Forks

Again there aren't too many pieces, but you'll need to use them perfectly. See if you can fork your way to victory!
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Oleg Pervakov: Pawns Holding Rooks

Black has two more rooks, but White's extra pawns allow you to hold the draw. How can you do it?
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Oleg Pervakov: Checkmate Beats Promotion

Black has a lot of pawns, but White can checkmate. How should you do it?
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Oleg Pervakov: Promoting The Right Way

White's passed pawn can win the game, but you need to play perfectly. Are you up for it?
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Oleg Pervakov: A Wild Ride

White's pawns look helpful, but Black is close to mate. How can you show that Black's king is in more danger than your own?
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Oleg Pervakov: Not A Draw

Usually a light-squared bishop won't help White promote an h-pawn. Usuallly, but not always.
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Oleg Pervakov: Defending The Bishop Ending

Last time you won a position that looked like a draw. This time see if you can draw a game that just looks lost.
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Oleg Pervakov: Checkmate Or Promote

We will conclude our survey with a beautiful and complicated composition. Despite the lost exchange White can win by thinking of the mating attack and the endgame at the same time.
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Oleg Pervakov's Studies

Тактычныя заданні
9 Lessons
No Videos
10 Challenges
Апублікавана 7/20/2021