Czech Beer Club 960

30 карыстальнікаў
32 Events Played
Šach a pivo, pivo a šach ve chvílích odpočinku - to tento klub spojuje. Zaměření klubu je na Chess 960, vhodné i pro hráče co příliš neovládají teorie zahájení. Rozhoduje představivost, předvídavost, kreativita a kombinace. Klub vítá všechny fandy českého piva a chess960. Chess and beer, beer and chess, Both of them are welcome in the time of rest and leasure. This is what is connecting people here. The Imagination, the foresight and the combinative ability are demanded:-) The wholesome infuance for our good mood, the high percentage of vitamins is without debt so beneficial for us. The beer is brewed in czech country from the Celts age and the beer is known here for centuries. Our beer is one of the best in the world, we can brew it and of course we know how to drink it :-) (159 lt/person)