The Ge-Winner

961 Üzv
1 iyn 2022
1.421 Events Played

Why you should join our Club:

- We have Daily Matches

- We have Vote Matches

- We participate in Leagues, including PCL, TCMAC, KOVCL, KTML, TMCL, WECL, WKCL, TMCL960, GPCL,

and more

- We have Weekly 100 Clubs Multi Club Arenas

- We have a Discord Server

- We have a friendly community

- you can chat with our people

- We have a Daily Matches List, A Vote Matches List and a the best player of the month event

JOIN US NOW! For more Information, look under the banner…

Welcome to our club! The best club in!! We are "The Ge-Winner"!!

You’re heartiest invited to join our wonderful community!!
We have different events you can join:
-vote matches
-daily matches


We had 3 Bann Attacks. The first one who do that, was @IGNACY1522. Please report him also!!  Then @FieryChallenger, and then @BlitzGod24.   We had 600 Members at the 1th May.

Our club rules
1. No spamming!!
2. Respect everyone!!
3. At least try to be active!!
4. No advertising without permission!!
5. Most Important: Enjoy and have fun!!!   

We have 5 titled Players!!

NM @Blitz

CM @hmatyi07

WCM @LunaTheTuna2013

CM @iAspet

FM @ThunderChariot

GM @Grandmaster1369

Biggest Goals:
Get first in daily matches and in vote matches!

If you have any questions feel free to ask @Winteremil!!
See you in the club!!! Have fun!!