Yanny vs Laurel: Settle The Dispute On The Chessboard
Another Yanny vs Laurel meme image.

Yanny vs Laurel: Settle The Dispute On The Chessboard

| 204 | Fun & Trivia

If you've been online the past two days you've probably seen the great debate about what you hear in the now-famous audio clip: "Yanny vs. Laurel."

While the audio debate may never be settled, it didn't stop Serious News Organizations from calling in expert linguists and making high-tech tools so you can hear both names. 

Here at we have a better way to settle the controversy: on the chessboard.

We've organized a game of vote chess for supporters of Yanny vs supporters of Laurel.

First you'll have to choose your side:

Then go to the vote chess game: Yanny vs. Laurel and vote on your move.

We hope this puts an end to the ongoing debate and the Internet can now move on to more important matters—but first, let us know in the comments section if you hear Yanny or Laurel.

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