Walter Browne's 9 Best Games

Walter Browne's 9 Best Games

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| 40 | Chess Players

Last week, chess fans received the sad news that GM Walter Browne had died at 66.

Browne was a legendary chess figure in the United States, a six-time national champion, and a fixture in the strongest chess tournaments for decades.

FM Mike Klein wrote a comprehensive obituary last week, highlighting Browne’s many achievements and cataloguing remembrances from friends and top American players.

In honor of GM Browne, let’s take a look at his best chess games. (Thanks to for the game PGNs.) 

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9. Browne's Last Game

Walter Browne's last chess game was a win over national master Hans Niemann in the 2015 National Open in Las Vegas, played four days before Browne's death.

8. Miniature Win vs. King's Indian

GM Browne made short work of IM Elliot Winslow's King's Indian Defense, needing just 20 moves to eviscerate Black's position. 

7. Blatant Disregard For Material

Both players fired off multiple sacrifices and pseudo-sacs in this ridiculously sharp game. Browne finally caught GM Shabalov in a mating net to notch the win.

6. Back Rank Brutality

This game seems reasonably even until one quick, devastating bishop move by Browne proves his opponent's back rank is unsalvageable.

5. Elegant Queen Sac Beats Seirawan

Here's another savage miniature win by Browne, this time defeating GM Yasser Seirawan in just 18 moves with Black. Brown's queen sac on move 16 is absolutely crushing. 

4. Win Over Reshevsky On Way To U.S. Championship

Browne defeated GM Samuel Reshevsky, one of the strongest American players ever, in the 1974 U.S. Championship. Browne would go on to win this tournament, the first of his six national titles. 

3. Quick Win vs. Ljubojević

How often did Ljubomir Ljubojević, a chess legend himself, lose a game in just north of 20 moves?  Browne blasted the great Serbian grandmaster off the board with a sharp kingside attack after leaving his bishop "hanging" on d5 for three moves. 

2. A Fighting Draw With Fischer

Early in the game, Browne fought through a tough position against perhaps the greatest chess player ever, and then suddenly seized the initiative on move 29. Browne pressed on for more than 70 moves with Fischer on the defensive, finally agreeing to split the point in a theoretically drawn endgame. 

Fischer and Browne via Wordpress

1. The Famous Bh6

Browne's best-loved game is this beautiful win over Arthur Bisguier in the 1974 U.S. Championship. More than 40 years after the game, Stockfish 6 confirms Browne's shocking 14th move is objectively best.

What is your favorite game by GM Walter Browne? Let us know in the comments. 

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