Special Titled Tuesday Offers $4,000 In Prizes

Special Titled Tuesday Offers $4,000 In Prizes

| 35 | Chess Players

This week's Titled Tuesday will feature a doubled prize pool and some new prize categories for what is expected to be the largest combined field in the event's history.

You can watch Titled Tuesday coverage on May 3 at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Pacific Daylight Time (UTC-7). Tune in to or for the broadcast. 

To make up for a technical glitch that canceled April's Titled Tuesday tournaments, will boost the May events' total prize pool to $4,000.

The prize format for each May 3 tournament is as follows:

  • $800 first
  • $400 second
  • $250 third
  • $150 fourth
  • $100 fifth
  • $100 best game
  • $100 top female
  • $100 best move

The best game and best move prizes will be selected by a poll on's Twitter channel from a list of candidates chosen by the department. You can vote for each prize with the #ttbestgame and #ttbestmove hashtags. 

The early tournament begins at 11 a.m. Pacific time (2 p.m. Eastern time), and the late tournament kicks off at 5 p.m. Pacific time (8 p.m. Eastern time). Players may participate in one or both tournaments. The tournament format is a nine-round Swiss with a time control of three minutes plus two seconds increment. 

Titled Tuesday tournaments air live on and with titled player commentary. 

You can find the previous winners of Titled Tuesday tournaments on the new version of under the tournament archive

Who do you think will win this month's Titled Tuesday tournaments? Let us know in the comments or on Facebook

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