GothamChess And Danny Take A Polygraph Test!?!?

GothamChess And Danny Take A Polygraph Test!?!?

| 68 | Fun & Trivia

"On the chessboard, lies and hypocrisy do not survive long" — Emanuel Lasker, 2nd World Chess G.O.A.T.

IMs Danny Rensch and Levy Rozman come together for the interrogation of their lives! Tied to a polygraph, the two exchange questions about their deep, dark secrets while simultaneously playing two 10-minute chess games. A professional handles the lie detector machine in the corner, sometimes confirming, "There's a little bit of deception indicated."  What questions were asked?

If you haven't seen this video, we would've thought YOU were lying. Did you not see Levy coming strong with, "Have you ever felt jealous that I'm more famous than you?" Danny, however, responds with an answer you probably weren't expecting. You'll get a peak into Rozman's view of spicy chess conflict as a content creator when Danny asks, "Are you happy the cheating scandal happened?" Rozman doesn't miss a beat and let's it be known what his stance is.

David Robbins, certified Polygraph Examiner, gives the deets.

From reflecting on their regrets at never getting the GM title to recalling memories of childhood theft, this conversation (under the watchful eye of the machine) provides us with an intimate Q&A between two stars of the chess world. Who got nervous when first meeting GM Magnus Carlsen? Does Levy think he's the most influential chess creator ever?? Did Danny ever think chess had reached its peak???

The two Pinocchios incite hilarious moments and emotional sparks in this tense setting. We're already planning to get other chess figures to sit down and tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but...a splash of deception.

Who would YOU want to see in the hot seat and bound to a polygraph?

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