How To Win With Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation
Learn the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation!

How To Win With Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation

| 23 | Opening Theory

Do you want to take your opponents away from opening theory and lead them into an endgame that you know how to win? If so, the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation might be your best bet! IM Keaton Kiewra demonstrates the key ideas for both sides in this important opening.

Not what you're looking for? Go back to the video guide.

How To Win With The Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation: This video shows the main line of the Ruy Lopez with 5.d4 and why it's a great option for White.

How To Win With The Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation: The Ending: One of White's main goals in the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation is to reach a winning king and pawn endgame. Follow along as IM Keaton Kiewra explains one of the most important and famous pawn endings in all of chess!

How To Win With The Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation: The Delayed Exchange: If you like the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation, but want to mix things up, you can try the Delayed Exchange! IM Keaton Kiewra demonstrates this tricky line which first lures a black knight to f6 before entering the exchange structure.

Have you tried the Ruy Lopez Exchange Variation? Have you played against it? Let us know in the comments.

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