How To Customize Your Language Settings On
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How To Customize Your Language Settings On

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Did you know that's interface is available in 54 different languages? Currently most common (and many uncommon) left-to-right languages¹ are supported in, but more than 85% of users use's interface in English² despite the majority of users coming from non-English speaking countries³.

While we know many multi-lingual users prefer English settings, user surveys also suggest that some users may not be familiar with the language setting options so we are writing this short article to show interested users how to customize their language settings.

Why might you want to optimize your language settings? Many original pieces of great content in languages like Spanish and Russian may be missed by multi-lingual users if their settings are English only.

Set Your Interface Language Language Settings

You can change your interface language at Your interface language controls all menu items and key words, but it also helps us communicate with you, allowing some messages and notifications to show content relevant to users of your language only.

Set Your Content Language

Your content language can be changed just below your language at Your content language controls the language of news, articles, videos, lessons, drills, blogs, forums, and ChessTV. You can set your content language to...

  • My Language Only
  • English + My Language
  • All Languages

In all cases, if multiple translations exist of a piece of content, you will be presented with the translation that matches your interface language if it is available.

Those who speak English as a second language will likely want to use the "English + My Language" setting as many pieces of content will only be available in English at this time.

Finally, multi-lingual users may want to select "All Languages" to be sure that they see all relevant content.

You can manually select a preferred language for specific news, articles, and blogs here!

Report Issues

Is something wrong? Translating chess terminology is a subtle business, and we don't always get it right! Please report any flawed translations with the usernap tool available in the bottom left of your interface.

1. Right-to-left languages are coming soon; we promise!

2. Top User Languages Languages3. Top User Countries

User Countries

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