Get Ready To Test Your Positional Chess Again
Another test from the chess quizmaster, IM Silman.

Get Ready To Test Your Positional Chess Again

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I’ve done positional puzzles twice. Since a lot of people enjoyed them, I’ve decided to do it again, and perhaps again and again. It’s certainly a good way to learn positional ideas.

Here are the original two articles:

Please keep in mind that these puzzles aren’t like usual tactical puzzles. Here, you might not have to find the “one and only one” move since the position could offer several reasonable choices. So, if you think you found the right move (or idea) but the software tells you to keep trying, look for something else and, afterwards, look at my notes; the move you initially thought was best might likely be there.

chess test

Actually, it isn’t that important to solve these things. If you do, great, but don’t get upset if the answer is over your head. The real point here is you doing your best and then READING THE NOTES. It’s the notes that will teach you various interesting positional ideas.

Finally, for those that complain that it’s “confusing” or a “bloody lengthy exercise” or ask why some move isn’t better than another, YOU ARE NOT LOOKING AT THE NOTES! YOU NEED TO LOOK AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BOARD FOR THE QUESTION MARK (“?”) , CLICK IT, AND THE NOTES WILL APPEAR. If this is too difficult, I can’t help you. I like this format and I’m not going to change it.

I hope you enjoy the puzzles.





First a diagram...


Here are three moves that Black can make: 10...c4, 10...cxd4, and 10...a5. Which is the worst (that’s right, the worst!) and why? the puzzle.


We will look at two moves: 15...a5 and the obvious 15...Nd5. Which one is worse?





First a diagram... the puzzle.



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