Can You Guess These 13 Famous Chess Players?

Can You Guess These 13 Famous Chess Players?

Avatar of Pete
| 119 | Fun & Trivia

Can you identify some of the most famous chess players ever? Find out in another fun contest here on 

If you whiffed on our devilishly hard 2014 Holiday Puzzler, take heart: all you have to do this time is fill in the last name of the pictured chess player.

But there's a small catch.

All of the images are distorted in some way to make identification more difficult. Some are cropped to show only eyes, hands, or chins, and some are zoomed in to the point of pixelated blurriness.

All photos, though, are real images of famous chess players, past and present. You've just got to figure out who they are.

You get one point per correct answer, and the top three scorers in the contest will win prizes, described below. The entry deadline is midnight Pacific time on Monday, Sept. 28. Only the first response per username will be counted. 

[Update: the contest is now over. Scroll to the end of the article for answers. The winners will be contacted soon.]


  • First prize: 6 months diamond membership and a spot on the #ChessMonday Big Show. 
  • Second prize: 6 months platinum membership and a spot on the #ChessMonday Hack Attack show.
  • Third prize: 6 months gold membership and a spot on IM Daniel Rensch's Wednesday Bullet Brawls show. 

In the event of a tie for number of questions correct, the prize goes to the earliest tied entry submitted. So hurry up and make your guesses. 

Let us know your thoughts on this contest in the comments section and on Facebook

Please fill in your answers on the form below but not in the comments. If you are having trouble accessing the form here, you may complete it directly at Google Forms


  1. Alekhine 
  2. Harikrishna 
  3. Carlsen 
  4. Giri 
  5. Hou Yifan 
  6. Philidor 
  7. Caruana 
  8. Kasparov 
  9. Nakamura 
  10. Polgar 
  11. Tal 
  12. Kramnik 
  13. Deep Blue
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