A Universal System

A Universal System

| 2 | Opening Theory

For some reason, certain openings give players trouble no matter how well versed they are in theory. Sometimes this is a matter of style.

This series is designed to explore a universal system against hypermodern openings, a system known for causing trouble, especially for beginners. Yet, all levels will find great value in FM Charles Galofre's system for Black against the King's Indian Attack. 

Not what you're looking for? Go back to the video guide.

A Universal System vs The Dutch After you watch this video, you'll never have to worry about the Dutch again. Dzindzichashvili explained to me: Against some openings, it is ok to get a playable position, but the Dutch goes against principles. Against openings like that, you should get a serious advantage. He also promises that this system is easy to learn and remember.

A Universal System vs The King's Indian Attack Having problems with the hypermodern openings? Whats hypermodern? Charles explains a universal system versus the King's Indian Attack that could be used against many of the hypermodern sets ups. This is a presentation for all levels, amateur and master alike. 

A Universal System vs The King's Indian Attack II So now that we have the meat and potatoes of a universal system versus The King's Indian Attack, hold your horses for the low down on the collard greens and brussels sprouts! Mmm! Mmm! A true theoretical delight!

A Universal System vs The King's Indian Attack 3 Galofre continues with his lessons on how to play as Black against the white systems starting with a quick Nf3, g3, Bg2. Here he covers the very early c4 by White, explaining very clearly how to find the right moves for Black and how to evaluate the resulting positions. Look at the minor pieces and their prospects for activity.

A Universal System vs The King's Indian Attack 4 Galofre rounds out the coverage of his system versus the King's Indian Attack by looking at the most challenging line. He shows a couple of complete games by Karpov and Dzindzichashvili, explains why the variation was under a cloud, and how the position can go wrong for Black. Then he reveals his innovation which should provide fertile ground for Black to play.

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