
"What is this? A mere mortal? One of the Edain, come to my profile page?

But it cannot be helped, now."

If you have not read the Silmarillion, you may be confused, but nonetheless, read on...

"Many long hours have I gazed upon the Silmarils, who alone carry the light of the trees of Valinor, but now, they being gone, in the depths of the waters of Ulmo, and in the heavens, and in the depths of the earth, as is my son, Maedhros, I have turned my eyes to other matters, one being chess.

But now, know that I am called, Curufinwë, Fëanor the Noldo, mightiest, perchance, of that race.

While sitting in the halls of Mandos, I was introduced to the game of chess. It is a marvel beyond my comprehension, wherefore I have returned to Middle Earth that I might learn this art, which never before had one of the Noldor beheld.

I learned it of one Elros half-elven, King of Numenór, far away over the western sea, son of Eärindel; he was a worthy man, yet even now I have mastered the skill so that I might beat him.

Alas, I would that the elven kind had learned of this wonder before, for there has been naught like it, save only the Silmarils, of which I was the crafter.

And great though my portrait must appear, for I feel sure it strikes fear and wonder into all that see it, and, great craftsman though I be, I am not the maker of it, though I have made things far more fair and beautiful.

And only the deception that Morgoth spreads (It brings me to wrath at the mention of his name) could suggest that this was written by an AI, for I have learned, as well, to delight in the pleasures that language brings, for then I can write of the wonder of my Silmarils..."

~ Fëanor

A note from the wannabe elf - 99.9% of you won't post this.  When Jesus died on the cross he was thinking of you. If you're one of 0.1% that cares, put this on your profile 

For God so loved the world that he sent his only son that whoever believed in him would not perish but have eternal life! - John 3:16.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe with your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. - Romans 10:9

Owner of Forests of Fables

Admin in Strictly Bible

Member of CHT, CCYG, and King Of Kings 4Ever!!!